Monday, February 04, 2008

Queen of......

hihi......i am 1 1/2years old
i am Queen of Lee's family.
Happy Chinese New Year!!!! Her name is Gooi Xing Fei
she is lovely, adorable, cute, delightful, and pretty!!!!!
she is my cheerfulness.
thankxxxx god to having her as my niece!!
*Dear SISTER, Lucky You*


okmijin said...

nice...sure will be taller then you

CINDY said...

you ar!!!!!like to "Kek" me one hor? ehm..:(
CNY give me one change la temporally don't kek me 1st k.....

okmijin said...

you hope she like you?
you should wish her tall and thin..

make it easy..
just wish she become your opposite. then might be prefect..what you think??